To begin with this my "first ever" blog!! This can be because of lack of time may be! ..hey but not because of ignorance or lack of vocabulary, to say the least! I saw the power of blogs sore high & drop down. Yes, a blog is an expression of an individual,
be it politically, sociallycorrect or not, but i belive over the time, blogs became more
of a personal means to register your anguish and to just relive your sub-conscience of
that burden. I think it was started of as a one of the many "weapons" that an average person has
to voice his opinions regarding social issues.
I honestly wanted to be part of the elocution, debates team in my school. But always there were these select few students who were "the gang". So no need of experimenting with this new chap!
But hey no hard feelings! cuase 'blogs" have come to my rescue..! lol...Its always about looking ahead, & always belive,if you have it in you, you will get a chance someday.! thats what keeps me going...